It’s New Year’s Day and I have been thinking about my #oneword2019 for a few days now. Last year, I combined a post on Gratitude, with my word: Kindness and as I reflect on my year, I really did make both a focus. I almost feel like I should keep those words; we all should. But I do need to add another as 2019 is going to signal a significant shift for me.





You see, I am taking a semester off to finish my Masters and to write. It was not an easy decision to make. I have one daughter in University and another daughter in grade 11. I am generous. I have a shopping problem. My husband was more than a little concerned when we first talked about it. I think he still is.

And I am nervous.

Will I be self-motivated? Will I manage my time effectively? Will I dilly-dally? Will I miss teaching too much and become listless? Will my thesis be any good? Will I manage money effectively? Will I have writer’s block? Rather than managing better with my passion-projects, will I take on way too many more? Will I be a better or lesser mom? wife? daughter? friend?

I vaguely remember a poem I read called, Leap before you Look, by WH Auden about how we may fear the unknown, but should leap anyway. It’s going to happen. I’m off February 4th. It won’t help to worry or fret.

So my word for 2019 is LEAP. I am anxious. I am excited. I’m all in. Wish me luck!