I am in a Voxer group through EduMatch where I’ve met some awesome educators. We are always having thought provoking conversations and if I had nothing else going on in my life I could blog about the ideas I get there three times a day, every day!
But one of the things that was shared by a principal named Douglas Timm, from New Castle Delaware, really made me pause and reflect about the way we do business here in Ontario. In his District parents only sign a waiver if they do NOT want their kids featured on social media. This happens upon registration. In our District and many neighbouring Districts, it’s the opposite.
Think about that for a second. Instead of wading through 1200 waivers (the high school at which I taught last had this enrollment), he might have to deal with 10, maybe 20? If that?
More importantly, what messages does that stance send?
- Social media is a reality in our world today
- Social Media is a powerful tool for communication
- We are committed to presenting kids in a positive light so as to begin to build a positive digital footprint
- We are transparent and connected
- We wish to celebrate your child
And so as a result, Doug can create weekly learning vlogs for his school that he shares with his parent community:
It would be such a simple shift and so easy to implement but it would make a really big difference. What do you think?