Those of you who know me know that I am passionate (if not a little obsessed) with the idea of Student Digital Leadership which builds on George Couro‘s definition and can be seen in this post and the graphic the awesome Sylvia Duckworth and I collaborated on and she visualized:
and then my re-thinking of what that looks like in this post.
We often associate digital leadership with adults using the power of technology and social media to share and connect who are in leadership roles in education. And this is great, but how are we helping our students to capitalize on the power of technology and social media? Are we thinking intentionally about what this looks like?
And because I am passionate about the power of sharing on Twitter and other professional learning networks, I would love to see a collective curation of any examples of students learning & sharing their learning, using technology to promote causes or contribute to the well-being of others collected on the hashtag
A friend of mine and awesome educator, Rob Cannone has said to me, “My students are going to change the world” and they likely will because he has given them opportunities to learn with the world, connect with experts, support causes, and share their experiences with teachers at our District-wide Ed Tech day and via Twitter. I know there are lots of other teachers inspiring their students to do the same!
So let’s share that awesomeness in one place!
Wouldn’t it be great to see students using this hashtag as well as they recognize the positive power of social media which can be greater than the negative when we show them how they might do that?
Looking forward to learning and sharing through the hashtags!