Voki in Foreign Language Instruction
I just created a Voki. I was able to create an avatar, access text to speech software, and choose the language. The possibilities here are endless. A foreign language teacher […]
I just created a Voki. I was able to create an avatar, access text to speech software, and choose the language. The possibilities here are endless. A foreign language teacher […]
This is my new favourite site! Arrange words into shapes. This one is the Daily tagxedo from May 1st in honour of the beatification of Pope John Paul II.
Students can take a look at the purpose, audience, and message of the video and the various elements that contribute to the overall effect. An additional layer can be added
A friend of mine recently shared this site with me. Caution: very addictive : )Magnetic Poetry
The students in Ms. Di Raimo’s grade 7 class experienced the five senses in their class today. They were easily excited by the cinnamon sugar they were invited to taste, and
“Breathe In Experience, Breathe Out Poetry” -Muriel Rukeyser Read More →
I am just learning about how effective Twitter might be in the classroom. A friend of mine at St. Theresa of Lisieux CHS got his students to find a real-life
I went to a MISA symposium at the Durham School Board on Friday and listened to Dr. Tim Tyson passionately talk about how important it is to use technology to