Lately, I have been tagged by some of my Twitter PLN friends in a circle with the faces of people with whom they interact on Twitter. If you are like me, you probably wondered how they did that. Basically, it has the user (you) in the middle surrounded by your most frequent interactions in several circles around it. At first, I thought they created the image on Google Draw or Canva and was overwhelmed by how much work that would be!

And then, I discovered that there is an online service which allows you to create it. Here is a quick overview of how to do it:

Richell O’Neil shared on Twitter that Chirpty also offers the service and you can skip the line for only 99 cents.


You may be interested in doing this for curiosity’s sake. For me, I was interested in what the findings would reveal. Would my circle contain people with whom I had meaningfully connected? Would it include people from different countries, backgrounds, and/or colours? Would it contain more companies than people?

Media Literacy Moment

One of the things I cite in Social LEADia and in my book, Raising Digital Leaders is Eddie Dick’s Media Triangle (sketched by my awesome friend, Jen Giffen for Raising Digital Leaders). In this case, taking a minute to be aware of media as a construct and that it has special interests, is an important habit so we continue to think critically about the media we consume.

With this frame in mind, consider why a company would offer this very cool FREE service. In this case, the company offers you the opportunity to “Subscribe” to their platform even if it’s just 24 hours so you could receive your Interaction Circle faster.

Also, be sure to check your settings after you receive your circle and unauthorize the app. There have been some concerns about privacy issues with the cite.


While you are at it, see how many other companies have access to your Twitter account and do a bit of a clean up. You can always reauthorize later.


I hope you have an awesome week. Happy Canada Day & 4th of July!
