One of the most exciting things that has happened this month is the many number of YCDSB educators who have joined Twitter.  This is partly due to the fact that when George Couros  (@gcouros) came to speak with us on April 7 & 8, one of his main messages was to connect with other educators.  Check out the Learning Reflection from his visit.   As a result, our #ycdsb21c hashtag is gaining momentum and teachers are connecting and sharing!

Earlier this week, Mark Carbone (@MarkCarbone) and Donna Frye (@frye) came to speak to our Administrators. Their theme?  Becoming a Connected Educator.  The stars are aligning!

I am so excited because I know the world of possibility that can happen when we connect with other educators and develop a strong Professional Learning Network (PLN).  Some of the educators I follow, I’ve never met, but many of them are people I’ve met face to face at a conference, a workshop, or at a school.  Twitter allows me to extend those connections and conversations in a way that was never really possible before.



It is not unusual for the following to happen on Twitter:  If you are stuck for a resource or help, people will help you!  When we were looking for resources a few weeks ago around misleading data, we were helped within minutes by people I have never met in real life.

Connect Educator 1Connect Educator 2

Here’s the IGNITE talk I presented first at our EDTech Saturday on March 7th and then again for Senior Admin in our District in April.  It provides an overview of how being a connected educator allows me to practice the 6Cs as a learner.

This IGNITE represents a moment in time in my learning journey.  Check out my Twitter Lists for other very influential people I’ve since met who are now a part of my Twitter PLN and who have had a great impact on me even in the past few months.


Here is a presentation I created with the help of Bruna Gallace (@gallace)  to help navigate what seems to be the confusing world of Twitter: Using Twitter for PD

If you joined Twitter, don’t forget to make your Bio a personal reflection of you!  Thanks to @MsD_Teach for letting me use her bio for this.

Twitter Profile


Check out Donna Frye’s (@fryed) post, “Why Do [Our Students] need Connected Leaders” as well as the resources found at OSSEMOOC (@OSSEMOOC):  Building your professional learning network.

Here’s a great post by Brian Aspinall (@mraspinall) called T is for Twitter and Transparency

Educator’s Technology’s 11 Great Twitter Etiquettes that Teachers should know may also be useful.

Alice Keeler’s (@alicekeeler) has a great post that helps to demystify Twitter hashtags: Twitter Hashtag Tips

George Couros provides a thoughtful reflection on the idea of a Connected Educator as well.

If you ever have any questions, I am just a tweet or DM away!